Mervi Reinikka
Me and Liisa 2013
My name is Mervi Reinikka and I live in a small village called Muhos near Oulu in Finland with my husband Raimo. I have son Maximus 17 years old and I have also two other grown up children, son Niko and daughter Lotta. They have already their own families and, of course, their own dogs. My daughter Lotta has followed my footsteps and has own Kennel called Rämpijän (freely translated it is 'Traipse' in English). All my children have grown up with the dogs and they have participated taking care of puppies, especially now Maximus is helping and playing with the puppies and dogs.The kennel Mörkömurinan (freely translated it is Bogeyman's Growl in English) is owned by me and I currently have three French Bulldogs living with me.
is a little bit of our background on who we are. I was born in a farm and lived
my childhood surrounded by animals. It was only natural that after moving away from
home, dogs would be part of my life. My first own dogs were two white Boxers. Then
there was a period of few years when we didn't have any dogs in our family. Something
was missing and after a two years search we found a dog perfect for us German
Shepherd called Pingu (Royal Cocktail Sleeping Sun). Pingu was a dog you could
call bigger than life; she had a big heart, she was sensible and wise. Pingu
was the guardian of our home, children and puppies for nine healthy, happy
years and our grief was enormous when in August 2012 we had to say goodbye to our
beloved Pingu.
Our first French Bulldog Pulla (Fii-Biin Tirlittan) moved to our home in December 2006 and after Pulla's arrival it became very clear that this is the breed I want work with in the future.
first French Bulldog and German Shepherd litters were born in the autumn of 2007.
I completed the Finnish Kennel Club`s dog breeders course at the
beginning of 2006 and second part of the breeders course I completed in the
Spring of 2013. My kennel's prefix Mörkömurinan I got in July 2006.
My aim is to breed healthy family dogs that follow the breed description but they
don't have to be champions, the health is the main issue for me and I'm very happy that my husband is vet. Since the
health is the starting point for my breeding philosophy, I have done health
examinations (eyes, knees and heart) to all my dogs, and for all the dogs I use for breeding also x-ray their spines. The health is not just physical
health and that's why I am also trying to take account in my breeding the
mental state and well being of all my dogs and puppies. For me having dog and
breeding dogs is not just hobby it is way of life and I'm taking it very
always talk openly any problems my dogs and puppies are having and I encourage others to do so also. I will also support all the families that have my puppies when there are good or bad times.
If you are interested in hearing more about me and my Kennel Mörkömurinan, please contact mervi.tervo (a)